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Ultimate comprehensive guide, how to play golf for beginners

How to Play Golf for Beginners


Time to read: 29 min

Comprehensive Guide How to Play Golf for Beginners with PDF


This article is held near and dear to my heart, as when I picked up golfing, I felt very out of place.  My first time ever playing golf was in my 30s, and to say I was intimidated is an understatement.  I did not come from an affluent family and didn't grow up around golf, so never took much interest in the sport.  My first time swinging a club was at a golf simulator/bar called 5iron.  And I was...  horrendous!  Fast forward to my second time ever playing at a golf course, and I couldn't help, but feel I didn't belong.  Nervous and filled with adrenaline.  I have done all of the wrong things, walking in people's lines, not calling fore soon enough, and certainly frustrated players I have been paired with.  The purpose of this article is to help any new golfer not make any of the same mistakes I did, and walk onto the course confident, knowing you belong, and enjoy your round!  This guide will prepare you with comprehensive knowledge to make you focus on playing a great round, and not worry about knowledge of the game. Whether you are looking to take up a new hobby, improve your existing skills, or even journey towards becoming a professional, understanding the nuances of golf can be a rewarding and enriching experience. This guide is tailored to provide beginners with a foundational understanding of the sport, encapsulating its history, its significance, and the different avenues through which it can be enjoyed, both as a leisure activity and a professional sport.  This sport is incredible!  It gets you outside, it’s social, challenges your mental strength, and so much more to the wonderful sport of golf.   


How to Play Golf For Beginners PDF

Brief History of Golf 

The origins of golf are rich and diverse, with traces linking back to various ball and stick games played in the ancient times across different cultures. However, the modern version of the game as we know it today has its roots in Scotland, dating back to the 15th century. As a beginner, understanding the historic backdrop of golf can not only enrich your perspective but also deepen your appreciation for the sport. As you stand on the tee box, ready to take your first swing, remember that you are partaking in a tradition that spans centuries, bringing together enthusiasts from all walks of life.

Benefits of Golf

Golf is more than just a sport; it is a community, a networking platform, and a personal development journey. As you venture into golf, you will find that it fosters connections, be it with business associates, friends, or family. Furthermore, it encourages physical activity, mental agility, and strategic thinking. It's a sport where personal progress and competition walk hand in hand, urging you to better your game with every round you play. The beauty of this sport is the fact you are competing with yourself.  While you might be a competitive person, typically everyone is rooting for one another, and you are competing with yourself.  Additionally, golf is an inclusive sport, welcoming participants across different age groups and skill levels, making it a lifelong pursuit for many.  

Golf as a Leisure and Professional Sport

While golf is celebrated as a leisure activity, offering a tranquil escape amidst lush greens and open skies, it also boasts a vibrant professional arena. Many enthusiasts start as leisure players and gradually foster their skills to compete at higher levels. As a beginner, you have the freedom to sculpt your journey as you see fit. Whether you envision tranquil weekends playing golf as a hobby or harbor aspirations to compete professionally, the world of golf offers myriad avenues to explore and excel.

As we navigate through the subsequent sections of this guide, we aim to furnish you with the tools, techniques, and insights needed to kickstart your golfing journey on a positive and informed note. So, grip your clubs and ready your stance as we embark on this enriching journey together!

Getting Started in Golf

It’s important to note that there are various rules and etiquette that are involved in the sport of golf.  VivanTee is an American-based company, but we have experienced golf across a wide variety of countries and regions.  Rules and etiquette will vary from culture to culture, but the core premise of the game will mostly remain the same.  The goal of this "How to Play Golf for Beginners Guide" and is to offer a versatile piece of content that you can take away and feel comfortable playing the game.  Comprehensive guide for golf terms can be found here.

Understanding the Golf Course

The Tee Box

Where the game all starts, here you will have various tees associated with level of experience.  These will vary by course, and for the most accurate information, we’d recommend consulting with the pro shop, but from a bare basics, you should typically see, front, middle, and back tees.  As a beginner starting out, it can be overwhelming when you see 5 different tee boxes with colors, below is a break down of the colors.

What are the colors of the tee boxes in golf?


  • Red Tees– Generally positioned as the closest tees to the hole, the red tees mark the shortest distance one has to cover to reach the hole. Predominantly utilized by women, seniors, and beginners who prefer a shorter starting point, these tees facilitate a more accessible and comfortable initiation into the game.


  • Yellow/Gold Tees – Predominantly designated for senior players aged 65 and above, the yellow or gold tee boxes cater to those who may not have the physical strength they once possessed. These tee boxes allow for a gratifying golf experience without exerting too much effort, ensuring seniors can enjoy the game without strain.


  • White Tees – Occupying a mid-range position on the course, the white tee boxes are the preferred choice for a significant portion of amateur golfers. Often referred to as the "middle" or "men's" tees, they accommodate players who demonstrate a fair amount of power in their strokes, albeit with a higher handicap.


  • Blue Tees – Frequently found at a substantial distance from the hole, sometimes being the second farthest or even the furthest, the blue tee boxes cater to players seeking to heighten the level of challenge in their game. Typically extending slightly beyond the white tees, they are a popular choice among advanced golfers looking to push their limits.


  • Black Tees – Representing the furthest starting point on any golf hole, the black tees or are synonymous with professional play. Often termed as the "tips", they are the choice of professional golfers and are a staple in many championship events, offering the most demanding starting position and catering to those seeking the utmost challenge on the course.


Many courses will have varying colors, and some will have blue tees that are played as white, and gold tees as the front, it really varies based on course design.  However, the majority of courses you will see in America are laid out as the above.  


The Course Handicap

In the "Basic Rules of Golf" section we will cover how golf handicaps work.  Here we are going to discuss course handicaps.  


Course Rating, Slope, and Individual Holes:

  • Course Rating: It indicates the difficulty of a course for a scratch golfer (a really good golfer). It's kind of the "standard score" for a course.

  • Slope Rating: This tells us how much more difficult the course is for a bogey golfer (someone not as skilled) compared to a scratch golfer. The higher the slope, the more difficult it is.

  • Hole Rating: Hole handicaps indicate the difficulty ranking of each hole on a course; lower numbers are assigned to harder holes.  


Scorecard showing course rating and course slope for beginners

*Example of course rating, par, distance, and slope.


This is an important aspect of the game because every course is different.  A scratch golfer (a golfer that typically shoots par) can shoot -2 below par on an easy course, but the next day play just as well and shoot +6 on a very difficult course.  Both rounds being considered good rounds!  


The Fairway

This is where you want your ball to be the majority of the time.  Remember the game when you were younger “Stay away from the lava”?  You would set up a mini obstacle course and try to not touch the ground.  Think of everything around the fairway as lava, and try your best to not hit out of the fairway.  


*Etiquette note:Some fairways do not allow golf carts on them, make sure to look out for signage that states where you can and can not drive the golf cart.


The Green

The green is the smooth, well-kept area at the end of each golf hole where you try to get your ball into the hole using a club called a putter. It's a place where the game slows down a bit, and you need to make careful, gentle shots. Understanding the small hills and dips in the grass can really help you play well on the green. It's a quiet spot where you focus closely on your game, trying to finish the hole with a good score. It's where all your efforts from the tee and fairway come together, and with a bit of skill and luck, you can finish strong.  


*Etiquette note: Never drive a golf cart onto a green, and if you are using a push cart or trolley, be sure to keep it off the green as well.  When you hit a beautiful shot that leaves a divot, be sure to repair your divot afterward with a tee or divot tool.  


Hazards: Bunkers and Water Hazards

These are self-explanatory, you want to stay away from the hazards.  Try not to end up in the water as you will lose a stroke (and a ball!), and the sand is hard to hit a consistent shot out of.  The amount of hazards will vary depending on the course, and will more often be more prevalent in links style golf courses.  


*Etiquette note: After hitting a shot out of the sand, the rake is placed near the bunker for you to rake the sand where you stood and shot from in order to leave a well-maintained sand bunker for the next unfortunate player to hit into it!

How to Play Golf for Beginners | Basic Rules of Golf


In golf, the goal is to complete each hole in the fewest number of strokes possible. The total number of strokes taken during a round (usually consisting of 18 holes) makes up your score. The main scoring terms are:


  • Par: The standard number of strokes allocated to complete a hole.

  • Birdie: Completing a hole one stroke under par.

  • Eagle: Completing a hole two strokes under par.

  • Bogey: Completing a hole one stroke over par.

  • Double Bogey: Completing a hole two strokes over par.


Your score relative to par (under, at, or over) is often used to gauge your performance.



In golf, penalties are extra strokes added to a player's score for violations of specific rules. These violations can include the lost ball rules of golf, hitting the ball into a water hazard, or taking relief from an unplayable lie. Penalties help maintain the fairness and integrity of the game and encourage players to adhere to the established rules and etiquette of golf. It's essential to know and understand these rules to avoid incurring penalty strokes that can adversely affect your final score.


*Etiquette note: As a new player, you will often have a lot of missed shots.  In golf you want to be sure to keep a “pace of play” that is fair to other players. Be sure to be cognizant of the amount of shots you are taking, and pick up the ball if you can’t seem to get it moving. It is considered common practice to pick up after double par so you are able to keep the pace of play flowing.

How does golf handicap work?


If you want to take golf seriously, whether you are on a journey to become a bogey golfer or a plus handicap golfer.  Establishing a handicap as a beginner golfer is highly recommended.  One, you can see your improvement over time, so it makes you feel accomplished as you continue to improve.  Second, if you ever want to play in tournaments in the future, most courses in the US require that you have a USGA GHIN (Golf Handicap Index Network) established and it's nationally recognized.  This costs $100 for a year to establish and it takes into account course difficulty, etc.  

Imagine you're playing a video game where different levels have different difficulties, and players have varying skills. In golf, the "handicap" system is like a tool that helps balance this game, making matches fairer and more exciting.  Here's how it works:


Calculating Handicap Differential:

  • After each round you play, you calculate your handicap differential using this formula: Handicap Differential=(Slope RatingYour Score - Course Rating)×113 - The 113 is a constant representing the slope rating of a standard difficulty course.

Finding Your Handicap Index:

  • Play at least 5 rounds and use the differentials to find your handicap index. You take the lowest differentials (best rounds), find their average, and multiply by 0.96.

So, your handicap index helps to even out the playing field. When you play against someone, you adjust your scores using your handicaps. The USGA GHIN will do all of the calculations for you, if you do not want to pay the $100 a year, golf apps like SwingU will do it for free as well.

Essential Golf Equipment

Golf Clubs: Types and Uses

There are a multitude of options when it comes to selecting golf clubs.  As we wrote a piece on beginner's guide to golf clubs for women, and have linked it, here we will cover the essentials.


  • Driver:  This is your 1 club, the club that is meant to go the farthest and is only used for your drives off the tee box.  Consistency is hard with this club when starting out.  Mainly due to the fact it is your longest club. 


  • Woods: "Despite their name, modern woods are no longer crafted from wood. These clubs boast the largest heads in a golfer's arsenal, generally featuring a hollow structure and rounded contours, stretching a few inches both laterally and longitudinally. Equipped with the longest shafts, they facilitate the swiftest swings, making them the preferred choice for achieving the greatest distances, especially for shots originating from the teeing ground.


  • Irons: Irons are numbers to represent their loft and distance.  They range from 9 to 2.  9 being the highest loft and least amount of distance, up to a 2 being the least lofted and most amount of distance.  A typical beginner's set will supply from 9-6.  After 6 you get into "long irons" as they are meant for more distance and the shaft increases in length as the number decreases.


  • Hybrids: A relatively recent addition to the golfing world, became prominent around the onset of the 21st century, despite having existed for several years before. These clubs, which are a fusion of woods and irons, are sometimes referred to as utility or rescue clubs. They are named and used similarly to irons, primarily serving as more user-friendly alternatives to the long irons (2- to 5-irons), facilitating easier hits for many golfers.


  • Wedges: Wedges are specialized golf clubs with a high loft, designed for short approach shots, chips, and bunker plays. They help golfers achieve precise control and high spin, facilitating better performance in complex situations typically encountered near the green.


  • Putters: Putters are clubs used to make short and low-speed strokes, primarily on the green, aiming to roll the ball into the hole. They have a flat clubhead to facilitate smooth contact with the ball, aiding golfers in achieving the finesse required for successful putting.

*Data Pulled from Trackman

Age is an important factor, as you get older, typically your swing speed will decrease.  Prime swing speed they find is usually in your mid to late 20s.  From there, the decline is usually around 10% as you go into every decade of your life.  

Our article on beginner’s guide to golf clubs. goes in-depth on what to look for when purchasing golf clubs.  The article was written as a women's guide, but remains consistent across all genders.


Golf Balls

Golf balls are a pivotal component in every golfer's journey, intricately designed to influence your game's distance, accuracy, and control. For beginners, it's advisable to choose golf balls that promote durability and consistency, allowing you to improve your skills without worrying about the intricacies of ball performance. As you progress, you may wonder, which golf ball is right for me?  Focus on the performance and feel of the golf balls and make a selection that fits for your game and feel. Our guide on selecting a golf ball that is right for you, can help you determine what to focus on.  Article on choosing the right golf ball.  There are various quizzes for selecting golf balls as well, like this one here from Titlelist.


Golf Apparel and Accessories

First and foremost, know that there are dress codes on the majority of golf courses.  Although a sport in nature, cut offs, tank tops, and athletic jerseys, certainly are not allowed on most courses.  Each golf course is going to have it's own level of restrictions, so be sure to check on that.  

A few of the items you should consider:



Tops will typically consist of polo shirts, dresses, quarter zips, and golf branded hoodies (some courses).  Chino or athletic pants or shorts are acceptable, no jeans, or cargo pants.   No open toed shoes of any kind.  

Dress to impress, our article on what to wear if you don't have any "golf specific" clothing.


*Etiquette note: As a beginner golfer, the best option is to always check the website or with the pro shop of the golf course.  Just so you can feel the most comfortable and play your best having peace of mind that you are dressed appropriately.  The spectrum can be everything from no backward hats, sports jackets when in the clubhouse, and everything tucked in, to no dress code at all.  

Golf Psychology : Mental Game

The mental game of golf, often overlooked in the shadow of technical aspects, holds the keys to personal triumph and challenge like no other aspect of the sport. It's in these invisible battlegrounds of the mind that the game truly takes shape, decisions, and affirmations. Legends are built not merely by their skill with the club, but by their mastery over doubt, fear, and the insistent pressure that comes with every crucial putt. Tiger Woods is the best example of someone who continually overcame grade odds due to his mental fortitude.  This cerebral side of golf demands more than physical agility; it requires resilience, strategic thinking, and an unshakeable belief in one's capabilities, created through mental discipline and experience.  Some ways to improve your mental game for golf are:


  • Confidence and Self-Talk: A golfer's mindset before they even approach the ball can set the tone for their swing or entire round. Positive self-talk and mental imagery techniques can build a your confidence.


  • Concentration and Focus: Golf requires a high level of concentration as it's often played over extended periods, demanding consistent performance throughout. A focused mindset allows your to better read the course, gauge distances, and execute a strategic play. 


  • Stress and Pressure Handling: How a golfer manages stress and pressure can impact their physical performance. Being under stress can tighten muscles, disrupt the fluidity needed for a good swing, and lead to rushed or miscalculated shots. 


  • Adaptability and Resilience: A golfer's mindset regarding adaptability will influence their overall game, especially when they face unforeseen challenges such as weather changes or unexpected course conditions, slow play, an angry cart mate, or any other random occurrences.


  • Routine and Discipline: Many golfers rely on routines to keep their mindset steady and ready. This discipline in their mental approach helps create consistency in their swings and overall game strategy. It keeps them grounded, especially in high-stakes moments, and allows for better control over their game.


  • Post-Shot Reflection: Following a shot, the mindset of a golfer plays a crucial role in their capacity to analyze and draw lessons from the results. An optimistic and proactive approach facilitates the extraction of valuable insights for future shots, whereas a pessimistic attitude could impede progress and adaptability.


The mental game is such an important element it can not be overlooked.  We dive into Golf Psychology and the mental game in our article here.

How to Play Golf for Beginners
Basic Golf Techniques

It all starts with your grip!  The key components to a swing are listed below, along with links to various guides for each step if you want to dive deeper.

Types of Grips

The 3 types of golf grips, Vardon grip, Interlocking grip, and the baseball grip

Our guide to the proper golf grip.

Grip pressure is an overlooked aspect of the golf swing.  It is important to implement a firm, but light grip, and is one of the main purposes of the golf glove.  Many amateur players will use a death grip and this will lead to inconsistent shots, more torn golf gloves, and all around worst performance.

6 Fundamentals of a Golf Swing


Setting up for a golf swing involves positioning your body and aligning your club properly to achieve a smooth and powerful shot. First, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart to maintain balance.  Your arms should naturally hang and fall right into the grip of the golf club. Then, slightly bend your knees and hinge at the hips, keeping your spine straight. Ensure your shoulders are parallel to the target line, and your club face is aligned with the target. Focus on a spot where you want the ball to land, take a deep breath, and you are ready to execute a controlled swing. Remember, a proper setup is the foundation of a successful golf swing.


Take Away

The takeaway in the golf swing is the initial movement where you start to move the club away from the ball, setting the tone for the entire swing. It is vital to initiate the movement smoothly with your arms and shoulders moving in harmony. Keep the wrists relatively stable and the spine angle maintained. As you initiate the takeaway, ensure that the clubhead moves straight back, avoiding any abrupt or jerky movements. The goal during the takeaway is to create a wide arc, gradually shifting your weight to the back foot. Remember, a controlled and measured takeaway can lead to a more powerful and accurate shot.



It's imperative to manage your weight shift adeptly during the backswing, both to preserve balance and to unleash power.  Engage your lower body throughout the backswing, facilitating a smooth weight transfer towards your right foot (for right-handed players).  Your wrist will naturally start to hinge at this point as you continue the turn to the peak of your backswing.  How far back you go is subjective, some people are more flexible than others, but go as far back that is comfortable for you, and that allows you to remain in posture.



Progressing to the downswing phase, an essential stage in your golf swing sequence, it is vital to avoid the temptation to alter the club's pathway drastically and to maintain the established angle.  The downswing should begin with your hips leading the swing/rotating, and arms follow.  Ideally, you should guide the golf club back to the ball along the same trajectory established during your backswing, facilitating straighter shots. Perfection in the downswing plane isn't a prerequisite - the key is to prevent significant deviations that could adversely affect your shot.  As you approach the finale of the downswing phase, it's time to redistribute your weight towards the left side, powering forward to make that impactful connection with the ball.



The moment of truth is here!  As you make impact with the golf ball, it's vital to shift your weight onto your left side and ensure your hips are fully rotated.  Maintain a level left wrist and keep your focus on the rear side of the golf ball.  Focus on the first 4 steps of your golf swing and perfecting those, and the rest should do the work.


The Release or Follow Through

The concluding stage of your golf swing sequence is the release or follow-through. Though it might seem less crucial since the ball has already been hit, it can serve as a marker of a well-executed swing.  Initially, assess whether your follow-through culminates in a balanced and composed posture or if it nearly caused you to lose balance.  Also take note of your arms, are they fully extended and pointing toward the target?  Aim for maximizing extension, as it facilitates straighter and more potent shots.


For more common golf swing mistakes, check out our article on 30 of the most common swing mistakes.  

Beginners golf guide, step by step, how to swing a golf club

What is Putting?

Often described as an entirely different sport.  Getting good at putting and reading greens can shave strokes off your handicap better than any other aspect of your game.  An overview and brief beginner's guide to putting.  The person farthest from the pin goes first, if you are in front of someone, mark your putt, with a VivanTee ball marker!



Often the first move is to remove your glove, this ensures more feel with the putter.  Ensure that your grip is flawless. Align the face of your club towards your intended target and place the putter head squarely behind the ball. Situate your eyes so they are directly above the ball and aligned with your target trajectory. Align your shoulders, hips, knees, and feet so they are parallel to the target line. Your hands ought to be positioned straight below your shoulders, maintaining a slight curve in your elbows. The ball should be positioned about 2 inches inside of your left heel, and you should have a noticeable lean to the left with your weight distribution. Roughly 75 percent of your weight should be concentrated on your left heel. It's vital that your forearms remain parallel to one another, retaining their positioning throughout the swing. As you initiate the putting stroke, your left shoulder should move downward, and the right should elevate, allowing your shoulders to govern the motion. Remain steadfast in keeping your head stationary while preserving the angle in your right wrist during the entire stroke.  The only movement should be your arms, like a pendulum, and the rest of your body stays motionless.   


Reading the Green

Stand behind your ball with the flag/pin in the backdrop, crouch down and eye the green looking for slopes, hills, or breaks.  Here you are looking to see how much you should aim, left, right or keep it straight.  Not always necessary, but if it's an important putt walk around your putt and stand on the other side of the pin, (be careful not to work in other golfers' lines) and investigate the putt from both sides if you want a better picture.  Once you have an idea of the direction you are aiming, choose a location on the green based on distance to the pin (accounting for down hill or uphill shots) and putt your ball to that spot you memorized.


*Etiquette note: Briefly touched on, but do not walk in people's lines on the green.  Also be weary of standing in someone's sight or your shadow being in their line.  Stand still when someone is putting, and don't talk in someone's backswing.  

Golf Etiquette for Beginners

Golf etiquette is heard about even if you don't play golf.  Always known to be an uptight sport, there are many rules to follow and it can be intimidating for many new players.  The reality is, most people will be patient and understanding that you are a beginner golfer.  There isn't a need to stress out, and the game is meant to be fun.  However, trying your best to adhere to basic rules and princples will make everyone's experience more enjoyable.  

Safety Etiquette in Golf

Everyone has mishits in golf, even the professional players on the tour.  If you hit a golf ball that is heading anywhere near other players, be sure to shout "FORE!!" to get their attention.  If there are golfers on either side of you, calling fore and the direction they are to you is common practice as well, "Fore left!".  

Pace of Play in Golf

Keep the game moving as best as possible.  Peak golf season will often have tee times booked back to back, and you don't want to hold other players up.  That being said, don't rush through your round and forget to enjoy it.  A typical golf round should be about 4.5 hours for 18 holes.  Sometimes it will be a little faster, and some rounds can go as long as 5 hours if the course is backed up.  However, that leaves about 15 minutes a hole.  Try not to spend more than 5 minutes searching for a ball, take a drop if you have to, and if you keep hitting shots and miss hitting, pick up the ball to keep the game moving.  

Always be punctual for your tee times, if not 10-15 minutes early as well.  If they have a range, would recommend being even earlier to warm up and take some shots.  

Taking Care of the Golf Course

Follow the cart path rules, don't ride your cart in restricted areas.  More often than not, par 3s don't allow carts on the fairway.  Fix the divots on the green we have mentioned a couple of times, but certainly is customary.  Obviously, taking big chunks and beaver tails at times is unavoidable, if the cart has sand, fill those divots with the sand.  Fix the sand bunkers with a rake after you hit out of it.  Don't bring your golf bag onto the tee box or the green. 

Golf Sportsmanship Etiquette 

Certainly the longest component on this list, we have bulleted the main ones here to make it easy for this "How to play beginner's golf guide".


  • Remember your ball, (balls come numbered for a reason) do not hit someone else's ball

  • Stay quiet in people's backswing 

  • Stand still on the green when someone is putting

  • Shake hands at the end of the round and a thank you

  • Don't talk to other people's golf balls 

  • Don't stand behind someone on the tee box or while putting

  • Enjoy yourself, have fun!


There are certainly other rules that are less strict, but these are the main ones that will get you by.  As you are reading this, there might be an essence of "this sounds too uptight, no thanks".  The beautiful thing about golf is everyone has the same common goal.  They are trying to beat themselves.  It is a far more welcoming sport than many people realize and if you happen to break one, or a few of these rules, the majority of people are quick to forgive and nicely remind you.  Very rarely are people rude.  You will come across those people, but that is no different than running into those same people at the grocery store or a bar.  Regionally golf traditions can be different, check out our article highlighting the differences of UK and USA golf play here.

Basic Golf Knowledge for Beginners

Here we will jump into some basic golf knowledge within the sport.  Most notably, brands, secrets of the trade, and useful aspects that a beginner might not typically know about.

Popular Golf Brands

There are a multitude of golf brands out there today. Especially with the growing popularity and D2C businesses, you can spend a lot of time searching quality golf brands.  Part of this comprehensive beginner's guide we wanted to highlight brands and what they are all about in an easy-to-understand format.  The top 5 brands associated with golf today and we gave them a persona.  For new golf brands changing the game of golf, check out our top 12 new golf brands here.

Callaway: The Innovator

Callaway attracts individuals with an innovative streak, continually exploring modern technologies to redefine the boundaries of golf. Their willingness to experiment with new materials and designs is mirrored in a personality that is adventurous and futuristic. This personality type loves to be a step ahead, resonating with Callaway's forward-thinking approach in crafting golf equipment that promises an edge in the game.

Titleist: The Connoisseur

Titleist emthe seasoned connoisseur, a figure who appreciates the blend of tradition and quality. This brand's long-standing reputation for crafting premium golf balls and clubs speaks to a personality that values not just performance but heritage and class. They are akin to the veteran player who finds comfort in the tried-and-true, embodying the spirit of the classical golf era with a touch of modern refinement.

Ping: The Strategist

Ping is for the strategist, a personality characterized by a methodical and analytical approach to the game. This brand’s emphasis on science-backed design and custom-fitted equipment echoes a personality type that appreciates precision and personalized strategy in their game. A Ping person meticulously plans each move, finding a harmonious blend between technology and technique, much like the brand's dedication to innovation and performance enhancement.

TaylorMade: The Trendsetter

TaylorMade suits the trendsetter, always at the cusp of the latest developments in the golfing world. This brand's continuous efforts in revolutionizing golf equipment, from drivers to irons, mirror a personality that embraces change and style with open arms. A TaylorMade individual seeks to stand out, embodying the brand's spirit of modernity and flair, always ready to adopt the newest advancements to stay ahead in the game.

Bridgestone: The Balanced Player

Bridgestone is synonymous with the balanced player, someone who seeks reliability and versatility in their game. This brand’s commitment to providing a wide range of golf products represents a personality that favors a balanced approach to golf. A Bridgestone person prefers a steady, dependable game, resonating with the brand's focus on creating golf equipment that accommodates a variety of play styles and skill levels, promising consistency and harmony on the green.


Wrapping it up

Plenty of other brands in golf, too many to highlight.  If you are looking for quality clubs, balls, and all-around golf gear, these 5 are a great starting point.  Note that many of their products will be a bit pricier, especially clubs.  We have mentioned this before, but we are a huge fan of Callaway preowned.  Great way to get quality golf clubs at a cheaper price, some products are nearly brand new.  They offer exceptional customer service and always have specials and discounts to capitalize on. 

Advancing your Golf skills | Basic Golf Knowledge

This is a game of continued improvement, which is the beauty of this sport. Very few people have ever truly mastered golf, and even Tiger Woods had a swing coach. Here are some focus areas to improve your game.

Drills is a phenomenal website for drills, articles, and guides to perfect every aspect of your game. With images to help you understand each aspect, rather than listing drills here ourselves, we couldn't do it better than Golf Distillery. Definitely bookmark this website if you are seeking improvement.

Working out

Working out and strengthening the right muscles used in a golf swing is an important aspect to improvement.  Look for work outs that focus on improving power and explosiveness as well as balance and core stability.  As you get stronger, inherently you will swing faster, and hit the ball further.  


The great Ben Hogen has one of the best golf books ever made for your swing. Every beginner golfer should take a look at this book, even recommended by some of today's greats like Rory and Tiger. Check out this digital version here for it, you can also find various videos of his on TikTok and Youtube, he lays the swing fundamentals out in the simplest form possible. He makes it look a little too easy! Rick Shiels Golf Youtube channel, a mix of tricks and tips, and entertainment, all golf related. "Curemyswing" & "scratchgolftips" on TikTok are both accounts that have noteworthy information for advancing your golf game.

Training Products

Some great golf training products that you can pick up to better your game. First, access to a golf simulator is profound in today's day. The ability to derive statistics around ball speed, swing speed, angle of attack, etc, is priceless. Allows you to continue to refine your game with data. However, due to how expensive one is to purchase and setup, not everyone will have access to them. Below we have listed products that will certainly improve your game and not break the bank.

  • The Divot Board : Understand where you are striking the ball, swing path, etc.

  • Practice Putting Green: There are hundreds of these on Amazon, you can go high end and expensive or simple for $20

  • Golf Alignment Stick: There are various drills that can be done with the alignment stick, including fixing swing path, impact, and more

How to Play Golf for Beginner's
Guide Conclusion 

In wrapping up this extensive journey through the verdant realms of golf, we hope that our "How to play golf for beginners" segment has empowered you to take the initial steps with confidence and enthusiasm. This beginner golf guide was meticulously crafted to provide a haven of knowledge, bridging the gap between novice enthusiasm and skilled expertise.

As we reach the 18th hole of this guide, remember that every golfer started as a beginner once. Embrace the learning curve with open arms and a willing heart. Golf is not just a game, but a celebration of patience, technique, and the beautiful outdoors.

We invite you to become an integral part of our community. To continue fostering your newfound passion, we encourage you to sign up for our newsletter. Immerse yourself in a world of insightful tips, engaging stories, exclusive updates, and the latest discounts that we have to offer.

Moreover, take a look at our collection of designer golf gloves — a perfect companion to greet the golf course with style and proficiency and comes standard with a magnetic ball marker for your first time on the green!

Thank you for allowing us to be your trusted caddy in this grand adventure. Here's to countless rounds filled with joy, improvement, and the sweet sound of a well-struck golf shot. Swing with purpose, play with spirit, and remember, the best golfer is the one having the most fun!

Resources for Beginners